Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday, LSF! (lol @ how no one reads this blog anyway)

It's the Lemma Soft Forum's fifth birthday today! :) So like a lot of the other folks over there, I decided to donate a bit of my time and create something everyone can use.

Here he is. A sprite, whom I have named Seth. Just because. And OMG. If I had known it would be so much more difficult and time-consuming than I thought, I would've...well I dunno.

Here's the PSD file if anyone wants to customize or mess around with the colours and such. GO KRAZAY!!! 8D oh yeah, and the zip file of the pre-rendered sprite.

If anyone does happen to use this sprite, please credit to RisingBambooBanana and link back to

Thanks in advance!

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